Online PrOGRAM

Before Enlisting typically goes into classrooms and offers presentations to high schoolers and youth groups across the Bay Area. In 2020 we also developed an online presentation, briefly explained in this video. The program includes the short documentary, "Before You Enlist," videos of Bay Area veterans telling their stories, experts giving advice, materials to test your knowledge, and information about job alternatives and funding higher education. If you are a teacher, check out our detailed lesson plans, guiding you and your students through the content. Contact us at beforeenlisting(at)gmail(dot)com

Watch the Spanish Version of Before You Enlist below:


Before Enlisting veterans open up about their experiences. A psychotherapist puts PTSD and sexual trauma in the military in perspective. A longtime G.I. Rights Hotline counselor illuminates little-known facts. Young people in interesting careers share stories.

Students: Test your knowledge after watching "Before You Enlist." Read reflection and essay prompts.

(Lesson Plans for Teachers Here)

There are many ways to earn a living, serve your country, and fund your education goals besides signing a long, legally binding contract with the military. Check out our resources.

Think you know what a "standard" military contract entails? Check out our flyer below for questions every recruit should ask before signing a contract. Then check the answers section for what recruiters should be informing young people of. This is a printable pdf that can be folded into a 4-page booklet.

Recruiter Questions 2020.pdf